Silver Maples hollow center of the treeEdelen Tree Experts routinely provides expert opinion and advice to customers on how to save trees that are diseased or afflicted with fungus or insects, but sometimes a tree simply cannot be saved.  We recently had to remove such a tree – a silver maple – from Shafer Park in Boonsboro. Silver maples are beautiful, which is why they were often planted in cities, and they can grow up to 80 feet tall.  However, they are prone to rot so their trunks and branches may be hollow and brittle.

The tree in Shafer Park was declining and previously had a reduction of the crown. There was decay, not only in the main stem near the base, but in the leaders 40+ feet in the air as well.

Such a tree can become a danger, especially in a location so close to traffic and events.  When is it time to consider removing silver maples or other types of trees?  Here’s a great article from The Arbor Day Foundation, “Saying Goodbye: When It’s Time to Remove Your Tree”.   See photos below of the removal. 

See our Services to find out what Edelen Tree Experts can do for you and your trees.